Holiday Open Play
We occasionally have nights where there is no formal league ladder play, but we still have the courts available for the league players (only). You can find these dates on this page under the Schedule section.
The following outlines how players should use the courts during the League Holiday Play period. Should any issues arise during this time, please notify the league admins via email:
League Holiday Play Rules:
The only players who may use the courts are league players (from that same night). No guests may use the court during this time. We occasionally will invite players from other league nights or from the waitlist to attend if space allows.
Just like on league ladder nights, we want to encourage fun and competitive play and set forth the following structure:
Courts 1 - 4: Open Play Courts.
All players may use these courts, regardless of their skill level.
If players are waiting, they should paddle stack along Court 1.
Players may stack individually or in groups. Groups do not jump ahead of incomplete groups.
Challenge Courts
We’ll have two options for challenge courts (see the following section for guidelines). Challenge courts should be games to 11, win by 1, to keep the games moving.
For the challenge courts, players will paddle stack at either Court 5 or 7. When a game ends on Court 5 or 7, the winner goes “up” to the challenge court (Court 6 or 8). Winners on the challenge court (Court 6 or 8) remain on that court; losers on either court come off and can rejoin the paddle stack. Should the winners on the challenge court decide to stop playing, the losing team may remain on the court as the new challengers.
Courts 5 - 6 are designated for Upper Ladder players (top half of the ladder)
Courts 7 - 8 are designated for Lower Ladder players (bottom half of the ladder)